In many
parts of Indonesia, the kebaya is seen as a strong nationalistic symbol and has
been strongly supported as a symbol of identity for Indonesian woman by
prominent figures throughout the nation's history.
Recently, this traditional dress has become recognized
internationally as it is used as the uniform for flight attendance
(stewardesses) on Singapore Airlines, Malaysia Airlines and Garuda Indonesia.
Personally, we supporting the action of some airplane companies
that introducing kebaya to world. With this action, it can show the world that
Indonesia has this beautiful outfit, also we can show the world that this
beautiful outfit is our own.
The conclusion is, we are supporting the action that some
airplane companies do to introduce kebaya to the world, but in another side
kebaya also causing a little problem with female who wearing veil.
Alright, that is
our opinion about Kebaya. We are so sorry if there are so many mistakes. See